Pisces Lunar Eclipse


Pisces Lunar Eclipse: September 16, 2016

This month's Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse. And with that, things may seem as if they are coming to fruition and we may be sensing that we are experiencing the outcome of steps previously taken.

Eclipses are usually an intense time. That's because whether we can see them in the sky or not, these lunar events correspond to a time of emerging understanding, where life-shifting feelings, realizations, people and/or events appear.

The Pisces Full Moon can be an auspicious time for healing. Use your discerning, critical eye (Virgo) to deduce how different physical and emotional factors may be combining to paint the current picture of your health. Then, sit quietly with these insights (Pisces), allowing conscious knowingness to emerge from a place deep within you and inform you on ways to proceed. The combination of Virgoan and Piscean energy can be a powerful elixir for our health as well as provide solutions to dis-ease in other areas of our life.

That the celestial body Chiron is currently connecting to the Moon in Pisces emphasizes the healing potential of this time. Chiron reminds us that our deep wounds and sore spots are often also the fount of our greatest gifts as they can serve as the springboard of our compassion. If we've been through something, we have a greater ability to be able to stand in the shoes of someone who is having a similar experience; our empathy can have medicinal and magical powers, not only for them, but also for ourselves, connecting us firsthand with a deeper sense of self-understanding, acceptance, and peace.

Be aware, though, that during a Pisces Full Moon, we may be pulled toward feelings of melancholy, to sensing whispers of sorrow caused by disillusionment. After all, both Virgo and Pisces inspire a movement towards perfection and idealism, and “reality” oftentimes doesn’t match up to how we desire life to be. It’s especially important during the period around this celestial event to remember to practice compassion—for yourself and others—and to accept that even in imperfection, beauty and grace reside.

This Lunar Eclipse squares Mars, highlighting a sense of action and drive. This past several months have given us great opportunities to see the importance of being responsible with our will and conscious about our desires. Lessons learned and skills honed may help us now to galvanize our direction. We may also see that what is coming to light around this time has been in part a manifestation of our determination and active engagement.

Alternatively, the Mars tie-in may have people expressing a radiant sense of frustration if their aims have not been readily met. And while giving voice to upset isn't negative, if that pushes past a certain point and anger cause eruptions, it can be dismantling and disruptive. If a situation seems overly heated and not safe, give yourself permission to walk away and let things settle down.

This Lunar Eclipse falls at 25 degrees of Virgo (Sun) and Pisces (Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a Full Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Virgo, Pisces, or the other mutable signs—Gemini and Sagittarius—it may impact you more intensely.

Pisces Lunar Eclipse Apothecary Suggestions

Virgo is associated with the small intestines and digestive system while Pisces rules the feet, immune/lymphatic systems, and pineal gland. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this Full Moon.

Reflexology: As Pisces rules the feet, when the Moon is in this sign, reflexology can be an especially lovely activity to engage in. The massaging of pressure points on the feet can help to circulate energy and quell Virgoan-inspired anxiety. Additionally, working on the digestive system points, concentrated between the ball of the foot and the heel, can support Virgo-associated gastrointestinal health.

Prayers for healing: With the Moon in spiritually oriented Pisces, it’s a wonderful time to invoke the power of faith in the promotion of healing. This need not be a complex activity nor one necessarily infused with religious meaning. Rather, just focus upon yourself—or another whose health could benefit from assistance—and say a prayer for betterment. If it feels right, invite others to join a prayer circle. Prayer may seem simple, yet it can be so very powerful.

* The Full Moon Eclipse is exact at 11:35 am PDT